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 Project 2: Wellness Center PLUS

The project calls for the design of a Wellness Center PLUS on the fringe between a suburban 
neighbourhood and a botanical garden. Students are required to provide full design proposals 
incorporating findings from site analysis and precedent studies. Students will generate narratives 
that respond to the environment and community within the given context and explore environmental poetics of building enclosure’s design solutions that reduce environmental impact utilizing various complex typologies of spatial organisations and a variety of passive strategies for sustainable design. The design should contribute to and merge harmoniously with environment and site and provide the best of spatial experiences in fostering a sense of community.

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 Project 2: Wellness Center PLUS

Duration: 2 weeks


  • To apply the understanding of materials, their relationship to the crafting of architecture to foster a sense of community within the whole context in its physical and social environments, either tangible or otherwise

We were to design a community centre at Kepong Botanical Garden, according to the previous site analysis and design response made, following the master plan produced during the previous stage where the building is to be built within the stipulated building site and not exceeding 3 storeys.

Presentation Boards

Final Model

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