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Project 2 (Research in Asian Architecture)

The project is research driven that requires student to research and discuss significant issues to generate a critical understanding of tradition, modernity and globalisation in the Asian architectural contexts. These issues are discussed in lectures and pre-recorded lectures to facilitate students’ group discussion in class. Students are required to present their findings in the form of a research poster and seminar presentation. 


Project 2 (Research in Asian Architecture)

Duration: 4 weeks


  • To demonstrate understanding of place contexts and how they construct the place identity and socio-cultural meanings. 

We were to form a group of 6-7 and identify a significant issue from the observations acquired in Project 1 and expand our study of the building. Once our direction is determined, we need to conduct extensive literature reviews, to identify specific issues/significance of study and then define specific scope of study. We were to generate a good research title that reflects the research intention and specific scope of study, within the framework of the selected research area and significance of study and produce a research poster to provide a visual representation of your findings.

Research Poster


Presentation Video

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